Film Production Work



Prompt: Without the use of dialogue or voiceover, make a film that is less than two minutes long about a character making a difficult and dramatic decision. Show that the character is pulled in two different directions at an emotional level, visualize their process of consideration, and show that they make a decision.

Cassius tells his friend Aiden about his great escape off the grid.

Crystal Pillar Winner in the Shirt Form Fiction Category for the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Student Production Awards for Excellence (2019).

Official Selection for the All American High School Film Festival 2019

Best Film at CinéStudent Film Festival 2019

An "insightful" documentary about a group of scooter riders

1st Place Award for 7-Day Challenge Category in the 25th Annual MMEA High School Film Festival

Award for Best Direction from the 2018 Chicagoland High School Film Festival

Official Selection for the All American Highschool Film Festival 2018



The House of LaRoux:

Produced for USC's School of Cinematic Arts 310 Production Course.

Written and Directed by Aaron Gallegos.

Photographed and Edited by Ellie Sullivan.

Produced and Sound Designed by Julia Narvaez.

PW: laroux

Inspired by the 1973 Milgram experiments, in which the morals of ordinary people were tested as they were encouraged by an authority figure to inflict harm upon other people. The film follows the story of a boy who wakes up in a simulation and is forced to undergo tests that push the bounds of his morality.

Written and Photographed by Aaron Gallegos


Steen Metz and Sharon Pitluk Silver, both children Holocaust survivors, shares their story. Produced by Alison Krolopp and Aaron Gallegos.

1st Place Award for Documentary Category in the 25th Annual MMEA High School Film Festival

Official Selection for the All American High School Film Festival

Titan Sports Package 2018

Shot and Edited by Aaron Gallegos

Produced by Aaron Gallegos and Ben Thomas


Postmates Commercial Produced by Aaron Gallegos, Natalia Cymbalisty, and Hannah Wittenstein

1st Place Award of the 26th Annual MMEA High School Video Festival in the Category of Commercial (2019)

Everytown for Gun Safety PSA Produced by Aaron Gallegos, Natalie Kahan, James Scott

Crystal Pillar Winner in the PSA Category for the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Student Production Awards for Excellence (2019).

2nd Place Award of the 26th Annual MMEA High School Video Festival in the Category of PSA (2019)

PSA for LGBTQ+ History Month

Offical Selection for the All American High School Film Festival 2018



